
Comparison vs infographic inspiration
Comparison vs infographic inspiration

comparison vs infographic inspiration

#Comparison vs infographic inspiration movie

With that one number, the comparative success of each movie is clearly declared. These numbers, along with the net revenue and the ticket sales of each movie are concentrated into just one number the cost of production per ticket sold. The graph on the left side gives you an at-a-glance comparison of the relative production costs and revenue of each movie. And once you understand how this graphic works, it’s instantly illuminating. Although there’s an initially intimidating amount of information to be digested, clarity comes with just a little legwork. This infographic is a perfect example of complexity distilled into clarity. This graphic is a great example of the simplicity that can be attained with a single-page layout it uses no scrolling and a limited set of graphics, yet it presents a prodigious amount of information. The navigation is gratifyingly simple to use clicking on the icons above takes you to a different section the material, while rolling over the diagram below offers detailed specs. The blueprint reference of the design makes it clear that the infographic discusses the interior of a hybrid car’s mechanisms.

comparison vs infographic inspiration

Take a look at a few great examples of such well-done interactive infographics, which all make a noteworthy contribution to the expansion of this field: How a Hybrid Car Works Of course, some results are better than others, whether because the topic is particularly suited to the format, or because the interactions are clever or unusual.

comparison vs infographic inspiration

A perfect case in point can be found in the growing subdivision of interactive infographics, which take the seductive combination of imagery and information, and make it nearly irresistible by adding an element of participation and control. But even if they’re tiresome to web professionals, infographics are still very popular with web users, and there’s plenty of new ground yet to be explored in this still-young specialty. Of late, many designers have noted that the web has become oversaturated with infographics that they’re a tired old trend in need of refreshing.

Comparison vs infographic inspiration